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Turn Back Time The NAD+ Revolution in Age Defying Welness

$300/10 ml/200 mg

Benefits Of NAD+ Injections

Aids in muscle development and recovery

Improves cognitive function

Assists in weight management

Supplements addiction recovery

Turn Back Time The NAD+ Revolution in Age Defying Welness

$400/10 ml/200 mg

Benefits Of NAD+ Injections

Aids in muscle development and recovery

Improves cognitive function

Assists in weight management

Supplements addiction recovery

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Only $400 per month - No Hidden Fees

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Only $400 per month - No Hidden Fees

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NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a coenzyme found in all living cells that is essential in key physiological processes in our bodies. As we get older, however, NAD+ production slows down, leading to mental and physical fatigue. One of the ways to supplement declining NAD+ is through NAD+ Therapy.


NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a coenzyme found in all living cells that is essential in key physiological processes in our bodies. As we get older, however, NAD+ production slows down, leading to mental and physical fatigue. One of the ways to supplement declining NAD+ is through NAD+ Therapy.

NAD+ for MEN

NAD+ is a coenzyme that plays a vital role in metabolic processes and cellular energy. Discover how supporting your NAD+ levels could be a key component in your quest for increased vitality.


NAD+ is a coenzyme that plays a role in many metabolic functions, including those associated with aging. Learn how maintaining optimal NAD+ levels may contribute to better cellular health and potentially support the aging process.

NAD+ – The Ultimate Power Boost for Your Cells and Your Life

When it comes to feeling vibrant, youthful, and full of energy, NAD+ is your cellular powerhouse. This essential coenzyme is at the core of everything your body does to keep you thriving, from energy production to cellular repair. Ready to feel unstoppable? Let’s dive in.

Supercharge Your Energy Level

Struggling with fatigue? NAD+ is the secret to converting nutrients into ATP – the energy your cells need to function at their best. With boosted NAD+ levels, you’ll be crushing your day with renewed vitality and energy to spare.

Sharpen Your Focus and Elevate Your Brain Power

With NAD+, you’ll be firing on all cylinders. Higher levels of this powerhouse coenzyme support brain health, enhancing memory, focus, and overall cognitive performance. It’s the brain boost you didn’t know you needed.

Metabolism on


Want better control over your weight and metabolic health? NAD+ helps regulate your metabolism, making it easier to manage your weight and optimize your body’s ability to burn fuel efficiently.


Turn Back the Clock-

Anti-aging Benefits

Aging might be inevitable, but with NAD+, you can slow it down. By supporting cellular health and reducing oxidative stress, NAD+ can help you maintain a youthful appearance and vitality that lasts.

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"Amazing physicians that truly care about your health journey. Excellent communication and service. I love that I'm able to have the medication shipped directly to my door. Thank you WLNS for giving me a new lease on life!"

- NA

"Amazing Physicians who care about their patients, and have taken a proactive instead of reactive stance on Total Wellness... Don't just survive.. Thrive!!!"

- GM

"I found my journey to health and wellness at WLNS, a journey that I can best describe as a successful ascent to my own personal 'Mount Kilimanjaro'. The Mounjaro Medical Weight Loss program was not just a weight loss regimen, but rather a holistic approach towards achieving and maintaining my health goals."

- JA

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NAD+?

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a crucial coenzyme found in every cell of the body. It plays a significant role in energy production, DNA repair, and maintaining overall cellular health. As we age, NAD+ levels decline, which can lead to decreased energy, cognitive decline, and an increased risk of age-related diseases.

What is NAD+ Therapy?

NAD+ therapy involves administering NAD+ to replenish the body’s levels of this vital coenzyme. At WLNS, we exclusively offer NAD+ therapy via subcutaneous injection (under the skin). This method allows for a convenient, more accessible, and cost-effective alternative to traditional intravenous (IV) NAD+ therapy.

What are the Benefits of Subcutaneous NAD+ Therapy?

NAD+ therapy through subcutaneous injections offers numerous potential benefits, including:

Increased energy levels: Enhances the body’s mitochondrial function, supporting cellular energy production.

Improved cognitive function: Boosts brain health, leading to better memory, focus, and mental clarity.

Anti-aging effects: Supports DNA repair and reduces cellular damage, helping slow the aging process.

Enhanced recovery: Assists in repairing cells and tissues, promoting faster recovery after physical exertion or injury.

Metabolic support: Optimizes metabolic efficiency, which may help with weight management.

Neuroprotection: Protects brain cells, reducing the risk of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's.

Mood and mental health: Some patients report reduced anxiety, improved mood, and better overall stress management.

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How is NAD+ Administered at WLNS?

At WLNS, NAD+ is administered via subcutaneous injection. This is a quick and convenient method where NAD+ is injected under the skin, usually in areas like the abdomen, thighs, or arms. Compared to IV therapy, subcutaneous injections allow for steady, controlled release of NAD+ into the body without the need for long clinic sessions or IV drips.

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What Makes Subcutaneous NAD+ Therapy More Convenient?

Subcutaneous NAD+ therapy offers several advantages over IV infusions:

Convenience: Subcutaneous injections can be administered in just a few minutes, without the need for lengthy IV sessions that can last 2-4 hours.

At-home administration: Patients can often self-administer subcutaneous NAD+ injections after training, reducing the need for frequent clinic visits.

Cost-effective: Subcutaneous NAD+ is generally more affordable than IV treatments, making it accessible for long-term therapy without breaking the bank.

Steady absorption: This method ensures consistent absorption of NAD+ over time, delivering sustained benefits without the peaks and troughs associated with IV infusions.

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How Often Should I Get Subcutaneous NAD+ Therapy?

The frequency of NAD+ therapy depends on individual health goals:

For maintenance: Many patients opt for weekly or bi-weekly injections to maintain optimal NAD+ levels.

For anti-aging: Weekly sessions for several weeks, followed by a maintenance plan, are common for those seeking anti-aging benefits.

For high-performance or recovery goals: Patients aiming for enhanced physical performance or quicker recovery may benefit from more frequent injections (1-2 times per week) initially, followed by maintenance doses.

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Are There Side Effects of Subcutaneous NAD+ Therapy?

NAD+ therapy is generally safe and well-tolerated, with minimal side effects. Some potential side effects include:

Mild discomfort at the injection site

Temporary fatigue after the injection

Nausea in some cases, particularly with higher doses These side effects are usually mild and resolve quickly. If discomfort persists, the dose or frequency of injections may be adjusted.

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How Quickly Will I Notice Results?

Many patients report feeling an increase in energy and mental clarity shortly after starting NAD+ therapy. However, the full range of benefits, such as cognitive improvement, better mood, and anti-aging effects, may take several sessions to become noticeable.

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Who Can Benefit from NAD+ Therapy?

NAD+ therapy is ideal for anyone looking to:

Boost energy levels

Improve mental clarity and cognitive function

Enhance recovery from physical activity or injury

Promote healthy aging and cellular repair

Support metabolic health and weight management

Protect brain health and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases

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What is the Recommended Cycling Schedule for NAD+ Therapy?

For patients using NAD+ for long-term health benefits, we recommend cycling the therapy to allow the body to adjust:

Initial Boost: For new patients, we often suggest weekly injections for the first 4-6 weeks to build up NAD+ levels.

Maintenance Phase: After the initial period, patients can transition to bi-weekly or monthly injections based on their health goals and response to therapy.

High-Demand Periods: During times of high physical or mental stress, additional injections can be administered to help support recovery and performance.

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Why is Subcutaneous NAD+ More Cost-Effective than IV NAD+?

IV NAD+ therapy often requires prolonged clinic visits, specialized equipment, and healthcare staff, which drives up the cost. In contrast, subcutaneous NAD+ injections are simple, fast, and can often be administered at home. This significantly reduces both the time and financial investment required for ongoing therapy.

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Can I Combine NAD+ Therapy with Other Treatments?

Yes, subcutaneous NAD+ therapy can be combined with other treatments such as peptide therapy (e.g., Sermorelin, BPC-157) or nutritional protocols to further enhance recovery, anti-aging effects, and overall health. Always consult with your healthcare provider to ensure that these treatments are compatible and tailored to your individual needs.

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Why Should I Choose WLNS for NAD+ Therapy?

At WLNS, we exclusively use trusted, medical-grade NAD+ sourced from accredited compounding pharmacies. Our team of healthcare professionals offers personalized care plans and ongoing support to help you achieve your wellness goals. Our subcutaneous approach ensures a convenient, cost-effective solution for boosting your NAD+ levels and supporting your overall health and longevity.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How is NAD+ Administered?

Subcutaneous injection, spray, and creams.

How long after I feel the NAD+?

Most patients feel NAD + right away.

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